In todays Malay Mail (5th Jan 09), there is an article about a sign board placed in a playground discouraging the youth there from bercumbu-cumbuan. BUT, the sign uses three gory pictures of a decapitated body, a head smashed to the ground and a dead body wrapped up in cloth. Seriously, at a playground. And below the pictures, it mentions on how those, without the faith (ISLAM), who commit all sorts of maksiat will end up like that. It then further literates on how they(MUSLIMS) should not be n the company of mereka yang tidak halal. It was revealed that the board was put up by the local SURAU. Tak halal? So much for the 21st Century right.
Buuut... I think the muslims ( = Nata) deserve a wake up call...
Its extraordinary to think that last year was filled with economic turmoil and it now feels like everything has turned over for the better (or so it may seem). It has only been 5 days into the new year yet we all can't help to remember the stress we all endured last year during the financial crash. Credit greats such as Lehman Brothers, AIG and Northen Rock -- as well as two banks in Belgium, one in Germany and one in Iceland -- have all either gone or been communitised.
This, in case you are twelve, and have no idea what I'm talking about, is like waking up one morning to find Hasbro, Hot Wheels, Toys R Us and Hello Kitty all been made bankrupt... which, I'm fairly sure is what will happen next. Along with every other company and person and government in the world.
The problem is simple. For the last few years the banks have been lending more money than they have, living in a never-never land where they could borrow RM100 at 3% interest and lend it at 5%. They must have known that the whole pack of cards would come tumbling down and so it did when (i presume) some Nata woke up one day and thought *SHIT, i cant afford my mortgage anymore*.
So for the next few years, you're going to think a pork chop is the last word in decadence. What's more, if you had children, you'd probably give them a lump of coal for Christmas and they'll love it. They'll give it a name and play with it, like they used to play with their private parts. Before you had to sell them in exchange for some rice.
This means Sony wont sell anymore Playstations which means they will have to lay off their workers, which means the problem will spread to Japan. And China. And India. So, thanks to the bone-idle Nata who borrowed half a mill to buy a stupid prefab house, the whole world has had it! Soon everyone would be out of a job, then the house will go, and the only way to survive will be to murder the postman and eat him.
Of course, the governments could get round the problem by increasing taxes, but whats the point when everyone is unemployed so no one's paying tax anyway? Or they could print money, which will lead to massive inflation. A loaf of bread will cost RM8000 trillion, so the RM8000 savings you took out of the bank in its last few days of solvency and hid under the stairs is not going to be enough to even buy a paper clip, let alone a down payment for a car! It'll be goodbye Proton car, hello Zimbabwe!
This will cause lots of governments to borrow cash which they wont be able to repay. So they'll go bust as well. Which means the army wont get any money so when civil disobedience begins - and it will, when everyone has eaten all the postmen - there will be no one to sort it out.
No one will be buying any oil which will cause massive pressure in Iraq, which will turn into a blood bath as all the Middle Eastern states pile in, and the West is unable to stop them, because America's gone all fucked up and Sarah Palin's back in Alaska burning polar bears to stay warm.
All because a Nata chose to fill his pickup with fuel, rather than pay his bloody mortgage.
Schools will be closed and the only people left to survive here will be those with cows, pigs and vegetables. And guns. Because at night, those without such things will come round and try to steal yours. You may very well have to die defending your paddy.
The only solution i see, is the b*mb, immediately and extensively, the whole of Nata-land. Not only would this be a punishment for their slap-dash accounting, but also it would be a deterrent for those in the future who think, "Nah, i cant be bothered to pay off my mortgage, I'd rather go smoke some Pall Mall." And we have to shoot the bankers too... to bolster morale.
I hate racism.
5 years ago