Its the week of my final exams! Today began the grueling one week and one day's worth of total-last-minute-mugging and then it'll be freedom. Yes, freedom.
I sat for probably the most stupidest paper today. Kemahiran Maklumat (Information skills) was a big joke. In this subject, they basically teach you how to use Google. =.=
No joke. So I spent an hour in the exam hall answering questions like "Apakah maksud 'Advance Search'" and even "Berikan beberapa contoh 'search engin'." Seriously. I was done in half an hour. OMG.
I've been preparing all day for tomorrow's subject, Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia. Its basically all about Islam and how they are the supreme religion and that we must all bow down to them. I'm not being a racist, I'm actually serious. For there is one chapter solely saying how Christianity is wrong and we have all sinned against God from the very beginning. All hail Muhammad.
Wonder if I would actually get ISA'd for this.
I'm shit tired from reading everything.
I can't wait to get inside you... I'm coming...
Good night everyone!
5 years ago