Chris,stop her! is at a mamak. I text him to say my brains were all ugh and he told me to do something obscene. THE NERVE. You know i won't do that without you. (: (: (:
Anywhosies, he told me to blog. So here i am typing away on his blog though im pretty sure he meant blog on my ive-not-been-updated-for-6-months blog. But i figured since im on most of his pics i might as well start hijacking the blog.
My internet connection is the biggest ass in this world. It cuts off even before i can upload one photo on facebook, before i type in the password to log on to my gmail and before i can even say Hi to anyone on msn.
I swear everytime i go online its like a race to beat the internet connection before it cuts me off. The Amazing Race Asia 3 aint got nothing on me!
Now i gotta go check that my internet didnt cut me off in the middle of typing this post. i gotta wait for it to come back on then hit publish. this requires great reflex
the annoying princess who has hijacked your best friend for the past 9 months cuz she cant live without her chris,stop her!
a certain someone would label this post as 'rant'. HAHA.
5 years ago