What does this four letter word mean?
We get up in the morning everyday, leave home and go about our daily routine and then come home and rest, all so we are able to get up and repeat the process over and over again. Through our day, we meet happiness ; laugh, talk and joke with friends. We meet hardship ; classes, studies, exams, even the bus ride back home. We meet sadness ; bad grades, missed tv shows, missed dates.
Imagine if we could decide. If we were told of all the happiness, joy, pain, suffering, hardship that life had to offer, would we have accepted it? Alas, we had life thrust upon us, and we were meant to deal with what ever it had installed for us.
So why? why do we just accept life? because for all the happy moments and joyous occasion, there is the fair share of pain, heartache and disappointment. Are all the gay moments worth the time and effort spent on mending our hearts each time we get them broken?
They say time will tell. they say time will heal and answer our every question. Well... i'm still waiting...
5 years ago